:orphan: ======= Authors ======= People who contributed to this software across releases (in **alphabetical order**): - `Adam Li`_ - `Aniket Pradhan`_ - `Chris Holdgraf`_ - `Clemens Brunner`_ - `Felix Klotzsche`_ - `Phillip Alday`_ - `Pierre Cutellic`_ - `Richard Höchenberger`_ - `Stefan Appelhoff`_ - `Tristan Stenner`_ .. _Chris Holdgraf: https://bids.berkeley.edu/people/chris-holdgraf .. _Stefan Appelhoff: http://stefanappelhoff.com/ .. _Tristan Stenner: https://github.com/tstenner .. _Phillip Alday: https://palday.bitbucket.io/ .. _Clemens Brunner: https://cbrnr.github.io/ .. _Richard Höchenberger: https://hoechenberger.net/ .. _Adam Li: https://adam2392.github.io/ .. _Aniket Pradhan: http://home.iiitd.edu.in/~aniket17133/ .. _Pierre Cutellic: https://github.com/compmonks .. _Felix Klotzsche: https://github.com/eioe .. _changelog: ========= Changelog ========= Here we list a changelog of pybv. .. contents:: Contents :local: :depth: 1 0.8.0 (unreleased) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Nothing yet 0.7.5 (2022-10-24) ================== Bug ~~~ - Fix in private ``pybv._export`` module: handle annotations that do not contain an entry ``"ch_names"``, by `Felix Klotzsche`_ (:gh:`100`) - Fix issue with variable reference when the first `event` was *not* of type ``"Stimulus""`` or ``"Response"`` , by `Stefan Appelhoff`_: (:gh:`102`) 0.7.4 (2022-07-07) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Events: accept ``description`` label values >= 0 when ``type`` is ``"Stimulus"`` or ``"Response"``, by `Pierre Cutellic`_ (:gh:`95`) - Events: accept ``duration == 0``, by `Clemens Brunner`_: (:gh:`96`) 0.7.3 (2022-06-04) ================== Bug ~~~ - Fix in private ``pybv._export`` module: ``durations`` of 1 sample length are fine even if they are at the last data sample, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`92`) 0.7.2 (2022-06-01) ================== Bug ~~~ - Fixed that ``raw.annotations`` must take ``raw.first_time`` into account in private ``pybv._export`` module for export to BrainVision from MNE-Python, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`91`) 0.7.1 (2022-05-28) ================== Bug ~~~ - Fixed a bug in private ``pybv._export`` module for export to BrainVision from MNE-Python, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_: (:gh:`90`) 0.7.0 (2022-05-28) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Added an overview table of alternative software for BrainVision data, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`85`) - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` now accepts a list of dict as argument to the ``events`` parameter, allowing for more control over what to write to ``.vmrk``, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`86`) 0.6.0 (2021-09-29) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` gained a new parameter, ``ref_ch_names``, to specify the reference channels used during recording, by `Richard Höchenberger`_ and `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`75`) API ~~~ - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` now has an ``overwrite`` parameter that defaults to ``False``, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`78`) Bug ~~~ - Fix bug where :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` would write the binary file in big-endian on a big-endian system, by `Aniket Pradhan`_, `Clemens Brunner`_, and `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`80`) 0.5.0 (2021-01-03) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` adds support for channels with non-volt units, by `Adam Li`_ (:gh:`66`) - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` automatically converts ``uV`` and ``μV`` (Greek μ) to ``µV`` (micro sign µ), by `Adam Li`_ (:gh:`66`) API ~~~ - The ``unit`` parameter in :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` now accepts a list of units (one unit per channel), by `Adam Li`_ (:gh:`66`) 0.4.0 (2020-11-08) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Passing a "greek small letter mu" to the ``unit`` parameter in :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` instead of a "micro sign" is now permitted, because the former will be automatically convert to the latter, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`47`) Bug ~~~ - Fix bug where :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` did not properly deal with commas in channel names and non-numeric events, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`53`) - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` now properly handles sampling frequencies that are not multiples of 10 (even floats), by `Clemens Brunner`_ (:gh:`59`) - Fix bug where :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` would write a different resolution to the ``vhdr`` file than specified with the ``resolution`` parameter. Note that this did *not* affect the roundtrip accuracy of the written data, because of internal scaling of the data, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`58`) - Fix bug where values for the ``resolution`` parameter like ``0.5``, ``0.123``, ``3.143`` were not written with adequate decimal precision in :func:`pybv.write_brainvision`, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`58`) - Fix bug where :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` did not warn users that a particular combination of ``fmt``, ``unit``, and ``resolution`` can lead to broken data. For example high resolution µV data in int16 format. In such cases, an error is raised now, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`62`) API ~~~ - :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` now accepts keyword arguments only. Positional arguments are no longer allowed, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`57`) - In :func:`pybv.write_brainvision`, the ``scale_data`` parameter was removed from :func:`pybv.write_brainvision`, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`58`) - In :func:`pybv.write_brainvision`, the ``unit`` parameter no longer accepts an argument ``None`` to automatically determine a unit based on the ``resolution``, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`58`) 0.3.0 (2020-04-02) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Add ``unit`` parameter for exporting signals in a specific unit (V, mV, µV or uV, nV), by `Clemens Brunner`_ (:gh:`39`) API ~~~ - The order of parameters in :func:`pybv.write_brainvision` has changed, by `Clemens Brunner`_ (:gh:`39`) 0.2.0 (2019-08-26) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Add option to disable writing a meas_date event (which is also the new default), by `Clemens Brunner`_ (:gh:`32`) - Support event durations by passing an (N, 3) array to the events parameter (the third column contains the event durations), by `Clemens Brunner`_ (:gh:`33`) 0.1.0 (2019-06-23) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Add measurement date parameter to public API, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`29`) - Add binary format parameter to public API, by `Tristan Stenner`_ (:gh:`22`) Bug ~~~ - fix bug with events indexing. VMRK events are now correctly written with 1-based indexing, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`29`) - fix bug with events that only have integer codes of length less than 3, by `Stefan Appelhoff`_ (:gh:`26`) 0.0.2 (2019-04-28) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Support channel-specific scaling factors, by `Tristan Stenner`_ (:gh:`17`) 0.0.1 (2018-12-10) ================== Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ - Initial import from `philistine `_ package by `Phillip Alday`_ and removing dependency on MNE-Python, by `Chris Holdgraf`_, and `Stefan Appelhoff`_